XP, then some xp, and I'll end it with an experience points party...
After Lunch I did some sea farming. We worked on popping the Ix'aern (DRG) [NM] in the Garden. We were there for quite a while, which didn't bother me because I was just refilling my buffer on xp for BLM. After about an hour we got him to pop, and it was an interesting fight. We disbanded our party and pull him to the teleport zone cast a tier 4 nuke on him, and then zone. When he goes unclaimed the next BLM starts nuking. You do that until he's at 5% and then you make a party. Once the last person zones and he goes unclaimed you -aga the the wyverns and nuke him down. A fun fight, no Vice of Aspersion dropped just a Deed of Sensibility.
After Limbus most people were gonna crash, I asked around and weaseled myself into a burn pt (as RDM). I had to re-write all my macros over again but I was able to pull in about 16k xp in about 90 mins or so. After I warped back I unlocked Burst II. It's a nice spell, but over time Thunder IV is better. Seems like Burst II is best used (right now) as a MB. I calculated it out. I was getting about 1298 damage against marids. That comes out to about 4.5 damage per MP used. Thunder IV on the otherhand was hitting for 958 but it's damage was 5.1 per MP. That might not seem like a whole lot but over time it adds up. I'm sure when I pump 2 more levels into it then it will be much stronger, but for now it's strictly a MB spell.
At the end of the night we camped Fafnir, and he popped at 1:07:32am. A JPN LS named StraightLS claimed it. They started fighting it but weren't skillchaining... and then they managed to cast on a Darter. Then that Darter linked with a 2nd, and 3rd, and 4th. After sleeping Nid and killing the darters they started resting up. I'm typing this while they are trying to recover right now. Its 31:00 into the fight and it's slept and regenning HP. They cleared their links, but aren't doing any damage to it. In the 30 mins so far I have seen 1 single SC, and it was a Light SC with a Burst II MB. Our Nidhogg on Odin took 40 minutes, and that was the king, not Faffy...
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