My PC got major surgery this week, only keeping the NIC, SoundBlaster card, 80GB HD, and the CD/DVD-R drive. I bought a brand new CPU (P4 3.2 GHz) a new mobo, new case, new 450W power supply, new memory (2GB DDR2 5300) and my centerpiece... a new GigaByte 7600 GT.
I've gone from an average of 10 FPS to about 35 FPS but I haven't really overclocked it yet and I have all my settings maxed completely out. I have some tweeking to do tonight but I had to reformat my stupid HD and reinstall XP and FFXI (what a fun 6.5 hours of updates for FFXI and 3 expansions!). My only issue thus far is my mobo hasnt recognized my sound card so I have to do some driver downloads and hopefully have some sound to go with FFXI. I also got my 32" Samsung LCD HDTV replaced after what seemed like forever. I am curious to see how FFXI looks when I use the TV as the monitor.
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