g Umm... Refresh please!: migrations are afoot

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

migrations are afoot

So many people are moving to WoW. Most of IRON has gone, now some people that I knew back on Odin... I refuse to give in. That game ruined my experience with IRON, not to mention it looks way too cartoony for me. Sure, FFXI didn't give the IRON vets what they wanted but had WoW not existed I doubt they would have left Vana'diel. They would have just stuck it out.

Back to Bismarck... I've made a 200k profit in just 2 days, churning out Tacos and Melon Pies +1 stacks. It's really not that hard, and I am only crafting 1 stack of synthable materiels each time. If I spent an hour or two on crafting I'm sure I could double if not triple that income because the food doesn't last more than 12 hours on the AH before it's sold.

Last night was a Cerberus which wetn awry because some people free stun for no reason and then a Gates of Hades goes off because people's stuns are down. This isn't a tough concept, and these were 1-2 highly decorated players screwing up stuns which bothered me even more. Lunies took it at 5% and killed it (not the way I would have done it but hell, I hear they let Prophets take a second shot at it so it's not like they stole it) and after we did a Proto-Omega which was a joke. We took it from 100% to 4% in under 10 minutes then held it for 4 gunpods netting poze of shell powder, 6 coins, a smalt chip and DRK AF+1 item. Drops were 2x Homam feet.

On a positive note I downloaded FFXI vanadiel collection and am installing it right now. I am not sure if I can play it (I havemy POL/FFXI codes but not any of the registration codes) so if I can't play it on PC I'll just see if I can use it for Altana Viewer. Guess we''ll see if I can get in or if I have to call POL to get my keys... which will be a major pain.


At 3:14 PM, Blogger Ringthree said...

People go to WoW because of the grass is always greener attitude, then they come back because the grass is just as brown over there as it is over here. LOL

At 5:58 PM, Blogger Ultrabum said...

WoW doesn't make you camp stupid shit like Fafnir for 3 years and still have jackshit to show for it.

WoW also doesn't make gear as uber as Salvage gear as impossible to get as FFXI does.


At 9:35 PM, Blogger wyred said...

Where did you download the vanadiel collection from? I was searching for one too but couldn't find it.

At 8:34 AM, Blogger Ultrabum said...


It was 3.99GB but only had FFXI, RoZ, and CoP. I had to download ToAU (which I am currently doing) but there are far fewer peers to seed and it's DL'ing at 3-4kb/sec opposed to the 54kb/sec that I got the Vanadiel Collection.

Still... I didn't need any registration keys, just my POL login/password.


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