g Umm... Refresh please!: My Zenith Dreamith

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

My Zenith Dreamith

After months of hoping to get that one special Fafnir claim, last night I obtained one of the most important pieces of gear for a BLM. Short of HQ staves and a Weskit, Zenith Mitts is one of the most important things to put on a BLM. Of course, the mitts come a week after I spent 20,000 Assault Points from Mamool Ja Training Grounds to acquire Yigit Gages. At least now I can do some testing between the two and see how damage varies from having Mag Attk Bonus+5 vs. INT/MND+5, Mag Attk Bonus+2.

It all came about when I found a Gem of the North in a bazaar. Last night we did a Ultima run (got a whopping 2 turbans, such BS) and after that clusterfu@k we headed up to sky. We planned Salvage but remembered sky was Tuesdays so we headed up. No pop on Steam Cleaner, Despot, Faust or Mother Globe. We lost claims to Zipacna and Ullikummi and ended up killing a Brigandish Blade and an Olla. I myself had my own Gem of the North but told leaders I wanted to secure Aquarian Abjuration: Hands and I'd donate my stone if I had sole lotting rights. At first they were weary which was fine with me, I was asked about my stone, and never "offered" a deal. I just told them what I was after in the long run and if I had to buy my very own Winterstone from a bazaar I was cool with that. I really have Iwubhooters to thank for donating his water to be used for Olla, which in turn was used at Genbu.

The fight as always was a joke, I made sure I didn't watch the treasure pool, and our TH4 (Minidragon) was not the killshot but was in the killing party. Drops were Genbu's Shield, Aquarian Abjuration: Hands, Aquarian Abjuration: Head and Adamantoise Shell. Shield went to Zylador but i forgot who the Zenith Crown went to. Either way I owe a big thank you to Iwubhooters, Evilbob, Minidragon, Moonpie, and everyone else who was there to help take down poor old Gambu. Tonight is Dyna-Xarc which means a possible SMN horn... here's to hoping we break this wretched streak of 1 horn in the past 3 months...


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