g Umm... Refresh please!: Gone but not forgotten

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Gone but not forgotten

Last night was kinda depressing. A great guy in the LS and someone I consider a friend decided to hang up his boots, which blows. I came home to find everyone in the Boyhada Tree. Fafnir? Nope, Voluptuous Vivian. They had killed it 5 days straight and held onto the ToD. i headed out there and killed PH's for almost 2 hours and no pop. I think they lost the ToD, but we can't be sure. A PLD/RDM from another LS was there soloing Mourouches but he had a Fafnir Slayer title, so who knows.

Headed to Sea and tried to pop Ix'DRK who never showed up either... Four hours after I had logged in we'd camped 3 NMs and gotten nothing from em (also camped Jailer of Temperance). It was getting somewhat late and we still wanted to get some Assaults in so we did 2 Assaults and logged. Tonight is a Proto-Ultima (Nashira Gages/Crackows/Seraweels anyone?) followed by an Assault run and a Salvage run. Hopefully it turns out to be a good night.

On a side note a good friend of mine left the game last night. Her name was Valkerine, and she was the 1st person in IRON to welcome me. She answered all my questions, was a liason of sorts between myself and leadership, and once I got in she made sure I knew my role with each new fight. We spent hours together farming up the Lamian Kaman -1 so that she might be able to synth a +1 which at the time was worth about 8M and only 2 were on the server. After 28 tries we finally made a Lamian Kaman +1! We agreed to split the 8-10M right down the middle once it sold. Well, it never did. I saw less and less of her as Oct rolled into Nov, and I hadn't spoke to her since Thanksgiving. Last night as I finished up with my 2nd Assault I got a tell from Valky letting me know she was leaving the game and wanted me to have the bow. She said I could do with it what I wanted to. I was shocked, and I told her I'd never sell it. It was great memories when I first joined IRON and it's even signed by her. I'll keep it always, and I'll also remember her by my signed Igqira Weskit, Igqira Tiara, and even a signed Demon Helm +1. She always looked out for me and Valky, you will be missed but not forgotten!


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