g Umm... Refresh please!: Drama on the high seas!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Drama on the high seas!

So yea, we just killed Fafnir. So much lame drama. Word to the wise, if want to kill HNMs do not:
  1. bring only 6 people
  2. claim it and let it whack you 4x till you die
  3. also claim darters (and more darters and more darters and more darters)
  4. expect the surrounding LS's to not to claim once you wipe

Long story short, some party of about 6 people claimed Faf, and a darter, then 3, then 5. They were wiping and another NA HNM LS says in /say "random". Now there are 2 other LS's besides us two NA LS's here, and one of them always refuses to random, so even if we did random and win we aren't guaranteed a claim when the current holders wipe... so we didn't random. When Faf goes white we claim, and the hilarious part of it was I saw about 4-5 vokes/flashes from the people who were clammering about randoming.

Once it was established we got claim it turned into a crybaby fest. So much lame crap being said in /say, then they were going to try and train darters into Faf, then they just hit rock bottom and spammed /random for 5 minutes straight. Absolutely pathetic. And just to dispel some of the BS that was floating around in /say... yes, we did wipe to Nid yesterday. No, we did not flail it. We wiped from breath after we claimed a darter and then tried to kill links. Another LS claimed and tried to pull it to a corner (bad idea). Then and only then did it flail and wipe all of Aery (which was funny as hell). BTW there was no randoming last night when we got Darters, and the very same crybabies at Aery tonight were at Aery last night trying to claim as we wiped. So obviously they are not only crybabies but they are hypocritical crybabies.

Anyways, excluding all that drama we did pretty well seeing as we had only 2 BLMs (I went SMN cause I was not in the mood to change jobs and shuffle equipment). Took about 25 mins and drops were scales, heart, Aegishjalmr, Andvaranauts, and Aquarian Abjuration: Feet. No hands... but oh well. They went to a BRD which is best. Tonight was Tiamat, Limbus, then Fafnir. Tomorrow I honestly don't know where we are going to do dynamis, I'm hearing jeuno and beaucidine. Anywhere is fine with me except sandy...


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