g Umm... Refresh please!: Holy crap it does exist...

Monday, March 05, 2007

Holy crap it does exist...

After about 10 runs on Odin and... lets see. Every week since August 20th, which is... 6 months or 24 runs in Xarc... I've finally seen one drop. No, not a Summoner's Horn, that would be too easy. A friggin Shadow Ring.

So overall I've seen 1 ring drop from approx 30 runs yet 15(ish) mantles in those same 30 runs. The funny thing is, doesn't a PLD get hit with more physical damage (mantle) than magcial damage(ring)? Who knows, I'm so melee retarded. Anyways, grats to Dunpoo (yet again) for the ring, your massive lot of 503 was enough. We ended up getting three 100 pieces; very 1st eyewall stat dropped one(wtf?), DL dropped one, and a Vanguard Dragon on the way up to DL dropped one! (WTF?!?!?), yet ZERO AF from the NMs... This is probably the 3rd run out of my last 5 or 6 that have gone 0/15 on the NMs. Even the NQ demons dropped only one AF2, and it was one that one that is very coveted yet no one needed...

God I love Dynamis.


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