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Sunday, December 10, 2006


So tonight was Dyna-Windy. We ended up with NIN, DRK, THF, WAR. WHM, WHM, and SMN!!!! And one of our main RDMs outlotted me.


So no SMN pants for me, since rules say that if you have the job at 65 or higher you are allowed to lot it. I honestly didn't even know this person had SMN, much less ever use it. I have always seen him attend events in his full RDM AF2. Even still, we had like 5 people lotting it. Lotting was 2 guests, a main RDM, and 2 main SMNs. The hard thing to swallow is that SMN gets nothing but total shit for legs. I would have rather lost lots on the Summoner Horn than the Summoner Spats because at least Austere Hat gets you by until you get Horn... The Evoker's Spats pale in comparison to any other armor that SMN can wear on the legs, and Summoner Spats are lightyears better than the Evoker's Spats. Since I lost that means that I'll still get stuck with shit for legs and the other RDM stores his newfound in his moghouse until the one time they mightneed his SMN instead of RDM. I'm pissed, not at the person who outlotted me, just at the situation; but rules are rules and that's why we have them. It would have been nice to see them get passed to the 2 main SMNs in the LS, but by no means was the RDM expected or obligated to do so. Sometimes it works out for some people like last night when 3 people passed the Plaited Cord for Mini to get his AF+1, sometimes it works out like tonight.

I don't know when we'll be back in Dyna-Windy, I hope it's soon, unfortunetly I doubt it. Most people who needed Windy got their flag tonight.


At 8:39 PM, Blogger Strawberrie said...

It's been a while since I've read this, I should catch up sometime.

And thank you...


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