g Umm... Refresh please!: Mad scramble

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Mad scramble

The update came today, and boy did it bring alot with it. One of the first things they announced was that you were going to be able to reach sky from the 3 crags, you just had to "meet certain requirements". It's been figured out you need to trade a Clear Chip to each machine in each crag's Hall of Transference, and then change your title to the one yo get after beating CoP 8-3. Also, big news was Lord of Onzozo will no longer drop Kraken Club! They actually want more players to be able to experience this weapon so it seems they are going to move it elsewhere, maybe a BCNM like Peacock Charm.

SE had another huge release which was all this new gear, and boy did they not disappoint. They made sure they covered all the bases, making it pretty much better gear than AF2 or Abj armor, but so far it looks like only millionaires will be able to own it for a while. The NIN headpiece alone needs 12 O Ingots and they are at 200k but I see them hitting 1M each, making the NIN headpiece run 12M + gil. You also need to collect 3 items from Salvage to trade in with your Imperial Currency to get these final items. I won't get too far into it, but I see the synthesis materials that you can buy on the AH sky rocketing soon. (yay)

Also, pics of the armor were released, and I must say that while I am stunned by the amazing stats on them I am disappointed with the models. Yet again SE just took models that are already in the game and just added some flair to make them look new. The BLM/RDM/BLU pieces are just a reworked set of Errant gear, the WHM/BRD/SMN gear is just a reworked set of BLU AF, the MNK/SAM/NIN/PUP gear is reworked Shinobi gear, the WAR/PLD/DRK/DRG gear is reworked DRK AF, and I believe the THF/BST/RNG/COR gear is a reworked Raptor set. The last time we saw new armor was the PUP/COR/BLU AF, and before that was Sipahi and Jaridah gear! The last major update we got gave us Yigit (Sha'ir), Pahluwan (THF AF), and Amir (Homam). I really wish SE would come up with new looking gear... sorta like they did when we got Barone, Igqira, and Bison gears way back in CoP. This new gear (while statistically amazing) looks absolutely horrible and recycled.

Last night we logged on to find that Salvage would be VERY hard, and since we didn't want to waste Assault Points we set out to get the teleports to sky activated. We didn't know much, and soon found out we needed a chip at the apparatus in each Hall of Transference. We thought for some reason it would be some new chip so we prepared for a Promyvion farming run. We spent 45 minutes gearing up and right before we headed out, we found out about the clear chip which is bought from any of the 3 city Goblins... so we gave up on farming and decided to just xp/merit. We need ISP to get the coins used to make the new gear anyways since you know Gold Coins are going to go from 17k to about 500k a piece (of course I sold 5 coins this weekend for 17k each). Anyways, I needed a buffer on my SMN and even though xp was super slow it was easy as hell and alot of people were out exploring so we had most of the Mire to ourselves. I now have about a 17k buffer which should be good for at least a month or so. Now I can go back to solo-meriting on SMN in Sea when I am bored.

Tonight is an Ultima run and I am hoping that Nashira Gages drop because the last time we did an Ultima was months ago and I was on the No Loot List. Since then we have gotten tons of Homam, even 3 pairs of Homam Cosciales in the past 2 runs... so I am hoping that I luck out on the gages. Oh, and we did a Mamool Ja Training Grounds Assault and poor Moonpie DC'd with us standing at the Rune of Release with 2 minutes on the clock... and it took her 10 miutes to reboot and log back in. Sorry Moon! We'll get you your 1000 points back soon enough!

(pics to come later tonight, I'm at work right now)


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