g Umm... Refresh please!: Trouncer

Monday, September 11, 2006


Sunday was spent more or less running around Vana'diel getting my final cutscenes for Chains of Promathia. Starting at 11am I headed out to the start of a long and somewhat annoying journey to view 10 or so cutscenes. Trekking from Sandy to Ule Range to Movapolis to Bibiki Bay and everywhere in between. On my way I was even lucky enough to run into Intulo but I was on my 55WHM. After buffing and trying to kill it with a Fire Staff I realized that this wasn't going to happen. I quickly bound it and warped. I changed to SMN to rushed back hoping no one claimed it. When I got there he was still up. I summoned garuda for Predator Claws but soon realized she did not have to BP to kill this thing. She was hitting it for over 150 a swing. When he died 6.3 seconds later I ended up with yet another Curaga earring, which I promptly offered up to Fuukochan later as a thanks for the help at Promathia.

Finally about 4 grueling hours later I ended up in Upper Jeuno at the Marble Bridge. I got my last CS's for that mission and chose my Tamas Ring. It replaces my lame Ether Ring which I can sell now and finally my BLM and SMN don't simply have MP+ rings. I'm sporting Tamas + Diamond Ring for BLM and Tamas + Evoker's Ring for SMN. Later I headed to Blueblade Fell to get the last and final CS for CoP, the one that's like a music video that shuts off all chatting and closes the book on the CoP storyline. I took a few screenshots, and looked towards Bahamut v1.

We camped Faf again and even though we had 1/3rd the people in Aery (2 major LS's were fighting Absolute Virtue) yet we still lost claim to Unreal (which seems to be the most disrespected endgame LS on Bismarck). Between the 2nd to last and the last window we found out the Tiamat was up. We made the decision to go for a possible Nidhogg instead of head to Tiamat. When we lost claim on Faf (no Nid!) we ported out immedietly. I changed to SMN and we all descended onto Attowha Chasm.

I must say, after watching BBQ fight Tiamat a few times I could not believe that they had the trouble they did. I'm not saying BBQ is a bad LS, they are a great LS. I just didn't see any problem in Tiamat. We had 3 SMNs, 4 BLMs, 2 BRDs, and 3 RDMs. The rest were melee. We had an add party that must have been doing well because I never once saw an add aggro me. We had our SC's down, we used Garuda/Leviathan on the ground and Diabolos in the air. The ground blood pacts hit for about 550 while Diabolos' Nether Blast was a steady 254. We had about 3 deaths total and that was mostly from SC'ing and 1 gigantic massive MB. It took us 40 minutes to kill Tiamat and when he finally died we got crap drops... Wyrm Horn and a Malboro Fiber. Kinda sucked but we got ToD and hope to be ready to take him down next pop. Bismarck camps wyrms, while Odin the wyrms are fought when LS's kinda feel like it. Still, I got my Tiamat Trouncer title and once again had a new and exciting experience here on Bismarck.

On a crappy, annoying, and discouraging note... the person who I traded to get this account (who told me they wanted to trade and play Goro) is now selling Gorokai on eBay for $550... So to that person who lied to me and now will turn over Gorokai to a person who pays money for accounts I salute you: t(-.-t)


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