g Umm... Refresh please!: easy kills are no fun

Monday, October 23, 2006

easy kills are no fun

Last night was a Nid/Aspi camp and we went to Nid. Had a good group of people there and Nid popped and guess who claims. Me. My first king claim, though I have claimed Faf and Adamantoise before. Anyways I was feeling quite good about myself... but that last only about 90 seconds. Seems someone (a new applicant to the shell) mistakingly got it to flail on his 1st WS... It wiped almost the entire pit but somehow we had 3-4 people survive. We all HP'd and got back out as soon as possible. Took maybe 15 minutes round trip but we got there and we still had claim. We took him down but he was a bitch last night. Killed him a few minutes before rage set in and I was glad the LS persevered for the win. I got a good MB in on him too right at the end, though it was the end of me right after it landed.

Drops were pretty damn weak (N. Legs) for the work we put into it, but there's always gonna be another Nid another day. Aspi didn't show, he sent his bastard step-brother Adamantoise. Afterwards we hit up some Dynamis - Sandy. Absolutely nothing in there for me but WHM and BST and I don't think I can lot either since they are below 65. We ended up with PLDx3, MNK, DRG, BRD, and WAR. Grats to those who got some AF.

Afterwards Fuuko, Godbae, Xyoflite, Mirax, and myself got ToAU M15 done "The Black Coffin" and got me up to mission 20. Good stuff, the storyline looks like I may actually be able to follow it, though when you go to the palace to recieve your glory crown there's about 6 NPC's talking and the only one I knew was Ovjang the automaton and Grand Vizier (the dude in full Homam). Server maintenance going on right now so all kings ToDs should be real nice for the JPN players... and midday for the NA players (yay). Here are some random pics I found that I took so I might as well post them.

Soloing on BST/SMN/RDM/BLM has its advantages

Manafont/MB fun. Got in 2 MB's and the killshot but the screen wasn't big enough..


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