Last night we camped Aspi, got Adamantoise (I just know it's gonna pop on us tomorrow in Dynamis). Then we went off to kill Jailer of Prudence. Our 1st kill was easy, we got a Sixth Virtue but no Prudence Torque. We also got a Prudence Rod which is a 100% drop. Our second kill was kind fo ugly. About 5 people died, and at about 11% Mareko called off damage so we could get our TH4 in tot he alliance. I was about 15% into a Burst II and I moved around to cancel the spell. Some people kept hitting it and for some reason and at about 4% I still cast Burst II on the stupid NM... and killed it. Why the spell went off I have no clue, lag maybe. So of course our TH4 wasn't in alliance and we only got the rod. The third one was even easier than the first one, and we had TH4 in the alliance and still got only the rod. One of those rods went to me and that means I now have all three weapons for my lv75 jobs. I've collected Hope Staff, Justice Sword and Prudence Rod in about a week. Fun stuff.
I put my Jet Seraweels up on the AH for the last time, this time for 2.499M (I paid 2.8M) and got ready to go to sleep. His window was going to be 1:30am to 4:30am (EST) and sadly I usually can't go past 2am when it comes to having to get up for my crappy job. When I woke up this morning I heard we got KB! The drops were Crimson Mask and Pixie Earring. Grats to Omnaru on the mask (good god, Zenith Mitts, Dalmatica, and now Crimson Mask in about 10 days... someone is sleeping with the leadership!) and Dunpeald on the earring (I've seen Dun delevel his RNG about 10x since I joined 2 weeks ago... he deserves it). I also found that my "well undercutted" Seraweels sold finally, so now I have about 3.4M gil and nothing really to buy for SMN/RDM/BLM that I can think of. I stood at the AH for about 15 minutes and could only think of buying a Vulcan Staff for when I solo with Ifrit on SMN... and even then I couldn't bring myself to spend 1.2M gil for avatar perp-1. (though I'll prolly buy it when I get home...)
Really sorry that happened... the person who I traded accounts to told me they wanted the account, if I had known that they were going to sell it within 3 days I never would have traded with them in the first place.
About the spellcasting I knew about healing, and it's more efficent and guarantees an interrupted spell... but I was feeling lazy. Thanks for reading though! MPK GOROKAI!
Why did you sell the Jet Serawalls, I am not mage but they looked better than Errants gear.
Jet Seraweels
DEF:34 MP+15, INT/MND+7, Enmity-4
Mahatma Slops
DEF:39 INT/MND+8, Enmity-4
Do I need to pay 2M+ for +15MP and lose out on 1 MND/INT? No thanks... at the end of the day I bought them cause they looked cool, which was retarded since I lost like 550k in the process of the sagging economy.
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