g Umm... Refresh please!: /doze /slap Amateur

Thursday, September 14, 2006

/doze /slap Amateur

Last night was the normal Dynamis - Xarcabard run we do on Wednesdays. Before we gathered at 9pm EST we farmed Ix'DRG and popped him early. We killed him for a Deed of Sensibility but no Vice of Aspersion which meant no Astute Cape. Cape interestes me actually, because it's MP+25 and summoning skill +5... still, I doubt I would get it being on the NLL for the next two and a half weeks. Either way it was a non-issue. We spent the next hour or so trying to pop him but no luck. I was able to get a merit though, and really would like to do this more often if we can get 10k/hour farming him.

At 9:45pm we gathered in Xarcabard and entered at 10:00pm. Not 1 AF from the NM's, but we did end up with 3 Montiont Silverpiece. We pulled DL and took him down without a single death. Was a great job all around. We had about 45 people or so and it was very clean. A Shadow Mantle dropped as well as another Montiont! Tonkar ended up getting it (grats BLM!) and we went off farming. We had almost 2 hours to farm, and in those two hours all that dropped was a Abyss Burgeonet... and even that was open lot since no one had it in their search comments. I was 2nd highest with a 878 lot, Cerra got it with a 908. Here's where the title of the post came into play... when we went to our final camp I started resting MP, but I fell asleep. It was creeping up on 2am and I had worked all day and slept 5 hours the night before.

I woke up found that I was completely logged out of PlayOnline (wtf) and when I logged in I was in Whitegate and the run had ended 10 minutes ago. I felt so shitty, worrying that something had dropped and I couldn't pass on it. I'm pretty sure that being in the BLM party I was warped out and kicked from the party. Either way, I wanna apologize to IRONdynamis for losing consciousness. It's not a common thing and I guess eating dinner late coupled with work and little sleep did me in. Luckily no other AF dropped (that I can tell) so I feel a tiny bit better.

Tonight is sky gods, I think we're doing 2-3 gods and then a Kirin or two. Should be interesting and a welcome change coming to an event as SMN!


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