g Umm... Refresh please!: WHM advice, can I have some?

Saturday, March 10, 2007

WHM advice, can I have some?

So, I finally got my PC running on my TV. Its a 32" Samsung LCD HDTV on my wall. I found (bought) a 15' a DVI cord and now I got my PC on my TV. Then I had to set it up for widescreen. I edited the windower .ini to run on widescreen resolution, but my characters looked horrid (even though I had sharp text and a huge screen). I found out my background resolution was still in 1024x768 so I found a rregistry editing program and it fixed things up. I set my reg settings as high as possible, turned on all effects and was completely awed at how beautiful the game CAN look. I could never in a million years ever go back to my PS2 version. Ever.

So I was kinda bored and looking for party on WHM when I thought I'd see if any WHMs who read my blog had any insight as to how I am geared. As you can see below I am a 63WHM and I have 7/8 Max MP merits. I'll get into what I think I need and what I don't after the pic.

I feel like (at this level) I have what I need. I've actually tried to go max -enmity for the most part since I only lose about 30-45 MP by using my -enmity gear. The main pieces I use are:
  • Raven Beret - enmity-8
  • Raven Jupon - enmity-9
  • Healer's Mitts - enmity-4
  • Healer's Pantaloons - enmity-1
  • Tamas Ring - enmity-3
  • Trooper's Ring - enmity-4

That brings my cumulative enmity to -29 and soon it will go up (@70WHM I get to use my Hedgehog Bomb which is MP+30, enmity-1). I wear a Gold Hairpin+1 (MP+33) and an Ether Ring to start out with, but as soon as I use my first spell (usually a 40MP Haste) I swap the Ether Ring (MP+30) for my Trooper's Ring (enmity-4) and my hairpin for my beret. This way I maximize my MP use. Soon when I hit 68WHM I'll need a Nobles Tunic and at 71 I'll move to the Templar Mace. Until then though, I think I have all my slots covered. Any WHMs have any advice as to what I should have or what I should be looking to get soon?

p.s. don't make fun of my NQ Earth Staff...


At 3:11 PM, Blogger Taritai said...

>:/ You made me go friggin sign up for a Blogger account! *hiss*

:D This has nothing to do with your post, but oo, you live in NYC! We should like, meet up, so I can stalk you there after >D


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