For Sale
Well I've sat on Nivaud for almost 3 months now, and paid $17.95 each month and all I've done is get each update then logoff. That's $53.85 for 0 hours of gameplay, and I am pretty much done with FFXI, so I put out this offer.
75SMN, 75BLM, 75RDM, 64WHM, 58BST, 57DRK, 37NIN, etc etc etc
Crafts are posted on the right ->
I have 3/5 AF2 for SMN, RDM and BST, a LuShang's, and about 400k in cash as well as a Lamian Kaman+1 signed in my Mog House. The account is for sale, mostly because over the past four years I've spent almost $875 in fees, another $100 for game/HDD and probably another couple hundred upgrading my PC so I can play it on that instead of PS2. All in all I've spent a good 1k on FFXI since 2003 and as much fun as I've had in Vanadiel I would like at least something back.
If you want to make a serious offer for the account post a comment, otherwise sometime next month I'll be putting Nivaud on eBay for a few hundred dollars. It is too late to sell it before the end of this pay cycle so whoever buys it won't have to pay until August. Thanks for the memories.
is it still for sale? if it is, let me know im pretty interested.
It sold already, sorry. Thanks for inquiring though.
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