g Umm... Refresh please!: March 2007

Thursday, March 29, 2007

How to kill a weblog

Pull all links from your sigs, post that you are done with the blog, and stamp a big motherf%@king CANCELLED across the header. It's a shame too, I had over 15,000 hits in about 6 months on that blog. Thanks to a combination of Ondria's lack of a sense of humor, Lunies/AD not being able to get over the fact I thought they were asses in December when they killed a charmed Minidragon at Xolotl, and overall just being tired of people basing opinions on what they hear, not what they know... I have left FFXI, (for the time being).

It was a fun time while I was here, but I came to Bismarck to join IRON, and what's the point of joining LS's that you didn't have interest in joining 8 months ago? Either way, I'm with IRON again and I don't have to deal with the plague that is RMT, the failure that is FFXI HNM, and the drama that is endgame. I think when they make server migration I may consider going back home to Odin. Who knows...

The downward slope!


My US peeps

My International peeps

Getting some love from Unreal!

Friday, March 16, 2007


I'm done with this blog. It has done nothing but bring me trouble. I speak my voice and then get the repurcussions later from people who don't even know me passing judgement on a person they haven't even met. I was booted from Prophets cause I called Assassin a douchebag for calling for help after his LS flailed Fafnir and wiped.

I got rejected from Lunarians because in a post dating back to 2006 I said it was pathetic that they killed Minidragon while he was charmed at Xolotl. People who don't even know me, know how I play or how dedicated I am to a LS try to judge me and my character based on stupid blog entries I post? Unbelievable. I was told that I was rejected because of my "overall general attitude". Not one person in that LS other than Lothlorien has ever even spoken to me. No one in Lunarians knows a single thing about me except what they read and interpreted in this blog.

Well I'm done, I've suffered enough through my FFXI career because of this stupid ass thing. This is my last post. Good luck to you people, if you ever bookmarked my blog feel free to remove it.

Extreme Makeover

So I got my new list for Altana Viewer and wanted to change my look up a bit. The 2 new robes have great stats... really great stats but the Morrigan's Robe and the Goliard Saio truly look like crap. I did find that the Marduk's Jubbah (BRD/SMN/WHM) does look quite nice and works well with Yigit Seraweels. Here's my new look:

Short of the giant Bison-like belt buckle I kinda like it. Anyways I spent 3ish hours in Sky soloing on Fire Elementals. They are nice cause you can Aspir them, sleep them, and just nuke the hell out of em. They give 240xp without any xp band on and drop 1 crystal, 1 cluster and about 1 out of every 3 kills they also drop a Kindred or Beastman Seal. Also I'm finally starting to get some Conquest Points back so I can keep buying my Empress Bands. Even best is with Tele-sky now in the game it takes maybe 2 minutes to get to camp whereas it used to take 15ish.

The night ended with another level 7 beseiged which was going great, and we got Lamia No.3 own to 1% then she did some massive AoE, killed me and warped out at 1%... I was so friggin furious. The animation went that had the general celebrating and I got ISP but I got no xp... and thats why I'm doing these beseiged is for the free 1200xp for my 64WHM. I was pissed... I just reraised, typed /shutdown, and got up and walked away.

Thursday, March 15, 2007


Due to some miscommunications and a sackholder who couldn't recognize sarcasm from condescension, I was removed from the LS I worked very hard for and supported for the past 5 weeks. Without getting into a lot of details (what's the point?) I am now on the hunt for an endgame shell. I have my eye on one and if they reject me I'll do one of two things. Go back to leveling low level jobs and forget about endgame (the only thing I haven't killed is Khimaira and Salvage). This will allow me to get back to WHM, maybe BST or possibly a melee job which I have sworn off the past 3+ years. The other option besides that is moving to World of Warcraft. The game doesn't look as good but there are far fewer flaws with that game than with FFXI. We'll see, I have 3 paths I could take. Continue endgame, continue newbness, or continue WoW.

On my last night with Prophets I spent 4+ hours in sky farming Diorites for my melee LS mates. Darn, I'm so selfish. (That was sarcasm btw for those who cannot recognize it). We got only 1 from the Aura Statues (mostly cause we had 3-4 LS's up there competing for claims) but our 2nd group pulled in 6 form the Enkidu's. That brought the Autmnstone bank to 7... which I don't know if any LS has ever (before this update) had 7 Autumnstones to burn. After the alliance broke for the night I stayed in sky to solo some pots for xp and while it isn't massive, it is still 130-150xp per pot. It's a bit tricky, if you miss a Mountain Buster you probably need to use Carby to finish the pot off. It's mostly:
  • Summon Titan
  • Cast Dia on the Sprinkler
  • Mountain Buster the Sprinkler
  • Wait 46 seconds (Load on the -perpetuation gear here!)
  • Mountain Buster the Sprinkler
  • Run away!
  • Resummon Titan (cause he will be dead by this time)
  • Mountain Buster the Sprinkler

If all 3 hit it should be enough to kill it. The pots are RDMs so they cast things like Blaze Spikes, Burn, Choke, Sleep, and tier 3 nukes. Only Fire III and Aero III really do any damage. When it starts casting Thundaga III (wtf thats not a RDM spell...) run away. Titan will only take like 56 damage but you can get hit for 700+. I got about 4k limit points up there before I got sleepy and logged for the night. Its no burn party (which I'll be doing more on my RDM now that I am not required to be at any events), but it is steady/easy SMN xp without having to deal with praying that an Ule Range Agloolik uses Hypothermal Combustion; or soloing Imps for great xp but if Garuda's Predator Claws misses... you're fooked. Plus, Titan is massively strong against arcane mobs. Some of my damage output was

I also had some fun with the race converter. Stat-wise I wish I woulda been a taru but gameplay-wise... I really wish I was a Garka. If I play a job that doesn't need me to wear RSE gear I'm totally playing as a Garka model. For some reason I can't wear my Wood M Ledelsens when I change my race model from DhamElvaan to Garka... so until I play a job that doesn't require me to wear em I'm playing as ol'Longneck.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

big update

Fine you lazy WHMs, don't critique me. I was just gonna call it all Hullabaloo anyways. This weekend was a busy one! Took WHM from 63 to 64. Saturday was a day of soloing on SMN for XP for the most part but Sunday... Sunday was a busy busy day.

I started the morning off on WHM, and it took a few hours to not getting invited by the Japanese players to force me to make my own party. I grabbed a NIN, RNG, WAR, WHM, BLM, RDM. Colibris? No thanks. The melee actually wanted to use food so it was off to Bibiki Bay. As a 62-63 party we were getting awesome XP from the Goblins there and the occasional Tragopan. We pulled some Dhalmels which gave the same XP but were harder so there wasn't much point in spending a minute longer for the same XP. We stayed there about 3 hours and we all leveled up, and around the early evening we got word that a foursome at KB claimed. I wasn't planning on heading out there because weekends are free days, but I also didn't want to see a KB get lost because I, along with others, were lazy. I found a WHM in Horotoru Ruins to replace me and I headed out to Behemoth's Dominion as RDM.
Once there I saw that most of the people online followed suit, and we went from 4 people to about 18 in about 10-12 minutes. I jumped in and keep spamming the gravity and ocasional Thunder III. One hit for almost 600 which surprised me and 2 of my 3 Paralyzes landed as well. I hadn't even made macros for these spells, I was casting manually and with an Austere's Staff on. Once the LS arrived we had it and some UR people started headed out. Later we would find out they headed to Fafnir where they got a free claim on Nidhogg and got an E Body. Oh well, our King Behemoth didn't drop a Defending Ring but it did drop some nice stuff (no Wyrmel!!!). Afterwards we rested a bit for Dynamis-Xarcabard which was to commence in under and hour (or so we thought).

Thanks to daylight savings time we had to wait a whole hour to get into Dynamis so we didn't enter till almost 9pm (gather is 7pm, enter is 7:30). I think that possibly the first eyewall was patched, because every single BLM who Thundaga III'd on them didn't hit for more than 180-200 and we wiped. This has never happened before with 6-8 BLMs and we had 8 on hand. Even our uber BLM only beat me by like 13 damage per eye. I will look at this next Sunday to see if we have the same results. We cleared all 15 NMs and guess what dropped? ZILCH. This is like the 4th out of 6 runs where we've haven't gotten a single friggin AF off the NMs. So frustrating. A Melee Crown dropped at the wall of PLDs on the way to the Vanguard Dragons (which rotted to a 50ish MNK). We got a 100 coin off one of the PLD eyes, another 100 off one of the Vanguard Dragons, and a 3rd off DL himself.

DL was a rush pull, we had to because of something like 3 wipes up till that point. Thats like 30-35 minutes we wasted weakened. We had like 17 minutes after Ying/Yang died, and we pulled at the 6 minute mark... Well, we stuck through it and really destroyed him, (Lightningsday) and got the best drops I have ever seen out of DL. Grats to Assassin on ring and Jace on mantle. was a real close one.

We got word at like 12:45am Cerberus was up so we rushed out there and I got to see Lunies deal the killshot as soon as I got to camp. Seems we got told Cerb at the same time Lunies had ti at 10%. yay. Anyways, that was the weekend. This afternoon I'll post about our 7 Ullis we got last night. Absolutely insane.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

WHM advice, can I have some?

So, I finally got my PC running on my TV. Its a 32" Samsung LCD HDTV on my wall. I found (bought) a 15' a DVI cord and now I got my PC on my TV. Then I had to set it up for widescreen. I edited the windower .ini to run on widescreen resolution, but my characters looked horrid (even though I had sharp text and a huge screen). I found out my background resolution was still in 1024x768 so I found a rregistry editing program and it fixed things up. I set my reg settings as high as possible, turned on all effects and was completely awed at how beautiful the game CAN look. I could never in a million years ever go back to my PS2 version. Ever.

So I was kinda bored and looking for party on WHM when I thought I'd see if any WHMs who read my blog had any insight as to how I am geared. As you can see below I am a 63WHM and I have 7/8 Max MP merits. I'll get into what I think I need and what I don't after the pic.

I feel like (at this level) I have what I need. I've actually tried to go max -enmity for the most part since I only lose about 30-45 MP by using my -enmity gear. The main pieces I use are:
  • Raven Beret - enmity-8
  • Raven Jupon - enmity-9
  • Healer's Mitts - enmity-4
  • Healer's Pantaloons - enmity-1
  • Tamas Ring - enmity-3
  • Trooper's Ring - enmity-4

That brings my cumulative enmity to -29 and soon it will go up (@70WHM I get to use my Hedgehog Bomb which is MP+30, enmity-1). I wear a Gold Hairpin+1 (MP+33) and an Ether Ring to start out with, but as soon as I use my first spell (usually a 40MP Haste) I swap the Ether Ring (MP+30) for my Trooper's Ring (enmity-4) and my hairpin for my beret. This way I maximize my MP use. Soon when I hit 68WHM I'll need a Nobles Tunic and at 71 I'll move to the Templar Mace. Until then though, I think I have all my slots covered. Any WHMs have any advice as to what I should have or what I should be looking to get soon?

p.s. don't make fun of my NQ Earth Staff...

Friday, March 09, 2007


This has got to be the funniest crap I have ever seen... Last January on Odin a THF Knife sold for 85,000,000 gil. Last night one sold for 1,000,000. Either 100% drop rate or damn near 100% has truly make the THF Knife the next Parade Gorget. Anyways, I feel for the people who camped it for 3 months, but only a little. On a totally unrelated note I gave World of Warcraft a try and after a few days I just don't get that wonder that I got when I played FFXI the first week. It might be that I hate feeling like a noob and haven't in 3+ years, but still... The game has a nice interface, and it's cartoony but you go in expecting that. You can do alot as a soloing low level play, more so than you can in FFXI, but I just didn't get hooked. I refuse to pay to play both games, and I honestly wouldn't have the time for both. This new update really helped sway the vote, I mean... this update was major. This weekend I'm going to make a major push on WHM and really jump back into Vana'diel head-first.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

THF Knife is the next Parade Gorget

saw one for 5M on Odin, then I saw this:

So from what I read you can farm up the pop item for Sozu in 2-3 hours and you can farm up Ulli's trigger in about 1-4 hours. Honestly, this update may have actually been the difference maker in my choosing to stay in FFXI or go. RMT can't camp anything anymore and even though they didn't make a substitute for Faf they are toying with the idea of putting his cousin in Nyzul Isle Assault.

There was alot in this update which was very positive for FFXI, SE did a good job on this (finally).

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

resurrected from the dead

someone pulled Gorokai (my original character) back form the dead, but is selling all my BRD stuff...

My guess is that they finally finished my NIN, or possibly WAR. Man... I remember camping that Viking Shield back in the day when it was worth millions. Gone. Both those Valor Earrings were signed by my old budy Suraph, gone. Oh well. Let's hope this guy isn't a douche or he doesn't sell Goro again on eBay like the last guy did.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Holy crap it does exist...

After about 10 runs on Odin and... lets see. Every week since August 20th, which is... 6 months or 24 runs in Xarc... I've finally seen one drop. No, not a Summoner's Horn, that would be too easy. A friggin Shadow Ring.

So overall I've seen 1 ring drop from approx 30 runs yet 15(ish) mantles in those same 30 runs. The funny thing is, doesn't a PLD get hit with more physical damage (mantle) than magcial damage(ring)? Who knows, I'm so melee retarded. Anyways, grats to Dunpoo (yet again) for the ring, your massive lot of 503 was enough. We ended up getting three 100 pieces; very 1st eyewall stat dropped one(wtf?), DL dropped one, and a Vanguard Dragon on the way up to DL dropped one! (WTF?!?!?), yet ZERO AF from the NMs... This is probably the 3rd run out of my last 5 or 6 that have gone 0/15 on the NMs. Even the NQ demons dropped only one AF2, and it was one that one that is very coveted yet no one needed...

God I love Dynamis.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Fun?! WTF? Where did this come from?

Last night was event night, and we decided to take a shot at Medusa. I knew where she was in Arrapago and also had both a map and a Lamia Fang Key in my safe so I actually felt like quite the hero en route to camp. Once the key got used we gathered at the Typhoon door. Once we wiped and tractored through the door we got ourselves ready.We really didn't take this fight too seriously, which we should have. We spammed it with TP at the onset and even though her 4 adds were taken care of she kicked the shit out of us. About 1/3rd of the alliance got killed, but we had already gotten her down to 68%. Once we realized that this would be easier than Gurfurlur but no cakewalk by any means... we recovered and worked her down. She didn't have a horrendous AoE move below 20%. She had a conical breakga move + damage but as long as WHMs were on the ball and melees didnt face her towards us mages, it wasn't much of an issue.

I came SMN again and was one of the four. Just like at Gurf we found that the most steady damage was Titan's Buster move which could also allow us to spam Ward so that stoneskin could be up for tanks. Unfortunetly I didn't get a massive 690-700 crit like I did at Gurf, but Orcrist did, so it is entirely possible. Garuda sucked, Levi sucked, Diabolos sucked. I didn't try Ramuh, Ifrit, Shiva or Fenny but I suspected they would be the same way. I averaged 370-391, and hit 414 once. When she died we only got Medusa's Armlet... no Mercenary's Dastanas. Still, we have a feeling that Medusa's Armlet, Gurfurlur's Helmet and Ja Ja's Chestplate all make something like the 3 kings drops make Black Belt. In the end we got a really cool and inconspicuous title.Aspi's first window opened during the final 3 minutes of the fight, and since were really the only ones who knew the actual ToD so we all stood by our outpost tarus for 3 hours and when he did pop, we descended in on him in record time. I was the first to zone in and see him. Of course, not wanting to waste any time I stunned him to pull back to camp only to find that the party disbanded as I was stunning and that left me alone with a big smelly angry turtle. Of course I died, but w/e, I liked my Medusa title. It was a joke kill, we had an army of BLMs that took off something like 23% with 1 volley of Blizz/Freeze MB's. Drops were 2x Martial feet (no mage stuff...) but that's cool cause I'm told they are great melee feet for PLD (I guess?). Me getting a tan:For once in a very long time, I had fun in Vanadiel.