g Umm... Refresh please!: January 2007

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Stay away from forums

I'm bored out of my skull today because I finished all my work by 12:30 so I've been on multiple forums and blogs for the past 3+ hours and it just annoyed me. There's so many things out there I want to do in this game and I never really am takiing any steps towards comepleting those goals. Things like, make my BLM no just an elvaan lolblm. For example I found some BLM on bluegartr that had a Sorcerer's Petasos +1. Photoshopped? Nope.
So yeah, not photoshopped.... Other things I want to do are things like work on my crafting, I mean I have 2 crafts that are pretty much 85+ and I barely use either of them. I could probably make some good money if I put some effort into it. I'd also like to try a melee job, which I really haven't ever done since I started playing FFXI. I've leveled NIN and DRK to 37 for my RDMs but never any real melee job.
Back when I was a normal xp'ing level 75 player all I wanted to do was do sky. Then all I wanted to do was sea. Then all I wanted to do was get into an HNM LS and kill things like Timmy, sea gods, and Bahamut. I've done this for about 8 months and while it's still fun to kill Timmy, it's kinda easy and somewhat boring. The problem with FFXI is the fight isn't the hard part, it's the claim. LS's are big enough to swap in people if someone dies at Nidhogg, the only skill (which is lost when LS's cheat/bot) is the claim so that your LS even GETS the chance to try and kill it. I am sure this will be my downfall eventually from either endgame or FFXI altogether.
If you try to compete with people who are constantly cheating, what's the point in competing?

Monday, January 29, 2007

screw you karma

The times of HNMs is really becoming annoying... there have been like 4 updates in the past 10 days and it keeps resetting times to around 12:00pm EST. The next day its a bit earlier and a bit earlier. It'll eventually creep into early morning, then in the butt crack middle of night and maybe in the next 2 weeks or so it might get to evening/nighttime EST.

Or SE could do another maintenance, reset the server and put all HNMs right back into the middle of the day.

I see other LS's getting them (NA) and I wonder wtf these kids (school??) or even adults (job where??) are doing at camps. Do these people have a job? Do they go to school? Are they failing out of college? I only say this because I have seen Tiamat pop 3 of his last 4 spawns during the work week between 9-12 EST and he gets claimed. What are these people doing with their lives? I can understand if the Kuwaitis or Japanese claim... but this has been NA's along with the Kuwaitis. For those who are unaware we have a LS that is based mostly in Kuwait. They have been caught hacking and most NA and JPN LS's know that when they see this LS they know a bot will be going off at somepoint. I think someone posted a quote from one of their leaders or members that went to the effect of

"Everyone going to have bot at the camp, your LS, my LS, all LS. Why not make it fair so everyone cheat?"

I forget where I read it and who said it, so the validity is kinda out the window but I remember reading that and just kinda being in shock. This is a LS that has something like 8-10 Ridills and about 12 Dalmaticas.... hmmm. I don't think they've beaten Jailer of Love yet though. Anyways, didn't log in this weekend. Put in massive overtime at work and was too exhausted to log in after 7 hours at work on a Sunday. Biggest news this weekend was Friday night I helped a few LS members do a mule dynamis for currency. Of course Summoner's Bracers dropped and I wasn't able to enter for 23 more hours. Rot dropped to a 51SMN or something. That kinda helped my lack of motivation to not log in this weekend... I honestly have ZERO luck in this game. Karma is bullshit.

Saturday, January 27, 2007


Spent the morning leveling WHM and got it to 62 after about 2 hours. Wasn't the best party but it was still pretty easy. NIN, MNK, WAR, BLU, SMN, and WHM (me). Really the only healing that was needed was when the MNK would close Distortion and have a crapload of hate but I usually had more than enough MP to cover him. Of course as soon as the poor WAR taru leveled he said he had to get ready for work. Sure enough 2 birds later he died because he decided he wanted to 2 hour without telling me at the beginning of the fight and never bothered to put up shadows as he stole hate. He went down in a blaze of glory, but it got us chain #6 and he was laughing the whole time. Hurray for crazy taru WAR's! He said he used Berserk so he thought he'd role play for the final fight. Nice to see a good sport, which rarely comes in this game. Which brings me to:

Emo - the state of being when something doesn't go the way of a whiney FFXI player; see Gorocry

I finished the party and heard some of the people from the LS were starting a 64-65 party. Even though I was only 62WHM I still wanted to go and even with being lower in level only I would get the decrease in XP, not the higher leveled players. Well, instead they took a 64DRG ("cause we have PL's we don't need no WHM). This has been a trend as of late, another group of LS members started a static without ANY healers because they had outside PL's... which is annoying because I don't play melee and really am not that interested in being PL'd at level 65.

So I got pissed, bitched at the people making the party, unequipped LS pearl, and eventually logged out and played FFXII. I was ashamed of myself but also annoyed at the people who didn't want me. I'd rather play with people I know, not random people. I was pissed, and now that I reflect back on it I'm pissed again... GDI.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

"Yeah we need a RDM"

This will probably be funny to everyone except the person who it involves, cause he's told me I'm beating a dead horse but I don't care... it's a funny story.

I logged in yesterday evening and saw no one really doing much of anything in LS, but one of our melees was in a party but anon in Bhaflau Thickets. I sent him a tell "RDM Do you need it?" and got no real reply, so I grabbed sanction and headed to Alzadaal Undersea Ruins to play with my Qiqrin friends on BLM. I spent my 200 ISP and ported to Nyzul Isle only to realize I left my Empress Band in my mog house. I warp back, grab the band and pay another 200 ISP to get a 2nd Runic Pass and port back out to Nyzul Isle. I use my Empress Band and get a tell "Yeah, we need a RDM". Ugh, ok. So I tell them I am warping and changing to RDM. I warp for the 2nd time and change to my full RDM/WHM spam party gear. I ask if they are at Mamool Ja Training Grounds camp and he said just grab a choco. Thats when I shoulda been tipped off...

I change to 75RDM/37WHM and get an invite from the party leader. I grab a choco and head out to Waj Woodlands then up to Bhaf Thickets. I enter the zone and see people with 700MP and 1000 HP and I'm like, "wtf?". I check the party members menu and see 3 level 65-66s, 2 anon people, and me... 75RDM/37WHM.

I got off my choco for some reason and had to run back to Whitegate and grab AF outta storage for my WHM, then shuffle BLM/RDM gears around to make room. I finally got out there almost 20 minutes later and we had PLD, SAM, SAM, BRD, WHM, WHM. Thank god I had my xp bonus on, because I was getting about 250-300 xp up to chain #5. I tried meleeing but that felt retarded and I hit only 25% of the time anyways. I ended up skilling my Divine from 128 to 137 in just over an hour, getting many +0.5 on my Holy casts and some of those Holy ("nukes"?) landed for for 212 damage. I even impressed myself. Chains woulda been way faster if I had a 65 melee or if they dumped me for a 65-67 melee but they kept me in there and I got about 5k in an hour.

I just found it ironic that the only person in that party in my LS was anon and even told me they needed a RDM when most people know I am a 75RDM. Slacker! I won't give out his name, cause that'd just be rude... but if you want a hint think Tarzan.

Also... we had a pathetic turnout at Dynamis - Xarc... pissed alot of us off. Maybe 15 people at enter time and even after an hour of waiting we ended up with only 28. We didn't go for DL obviously, but I died alot. We stayed the full 3.5 hours, cleared all 15 NMs, and got BST (lovely), BRD, and NIN. Wow, no horn. What a shocker.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

My Zenith Dreamith

After months of hoping to get that one special Fafnir claim, last night I obtained one of the most important pieces of gear for a BLM. Short of HQ staves and a Weskit, Zenith Mitts is one of the most important things to put on a BLM. Of course, the mitts come a week after I spent 20,000 Assault Points from Mamool Ja Training Grounds to acquire Yigit Gages. At least now I can do some testing between the two and see how damage varies from having Mag Attk Bonus+5 vs. INT/MND+5, Mag Attk Bonus+2.

It all came about when I found a Gem of the North in a bazaar. Last night we did a Ultima run (got a whopping 2 turbans, such BS) and after that clusterfu@k we headed up to sky. We planned Salvage but remembered sky was Tuesdays so we headed up. No pop on Steam Cleaner, Despot, Faust or Mother Globe. We lost claims to Zipacna and Ullikummi and ended up killing a Brigandish Blade and an Olla. I myself had my own Gem of the North but told leaders I wanted to secure Aquarian Abjuration: Hands and I'd donate my stone if I had sole lotting rights. At first they were weary which was fine with me, I was asked about my stone, and never "offered" a deal. I just told them what I was after in the long run and if I had to buy my very own Winterstone from a bazaar I was cool with that. I really have Iwubhooters to thank for donating his water to be used for Olla, which in turn was used at Genbu.

The fight as always was a joke, I made sure I didn't watch the treasure pool, and our TH4 (Minidragon) was not the killshot but was in the killing party. Drops were Genbu's Shield, Aquarian Abjuration: Hands, Aquarian Abjuration: Head and Adamantoise Shell. Shield went to Zylador but i forgot who the Zenith Crown went to. Either way I owe a big thank you to Iwubhooters, Evilbob, Minidragon, Moonpie, and everyone else who was there to help take down poor old Gambu. Tonight is Dyna-Xarc which means a possible SMN horn... here's to hoping we break this wretched streak of 1 horn in the past 3 months...

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Gone but not forgotten

Last night was kinda depressing. A great guy in the LS and someone I consider a friend decided to hang up his boots, which blows. I came home to find everyone in the Boyhada Tree. Fafnir? Nope, Voluptuous Vivian. They had killed it 5 days straight and held onto the ToD. i headed out there and killed PH's for almost 2 hours and no pop. I think they lost the ToD, but we can't be sure. A PLD/RDM from another LS was there soloing Mourouches but he had a Fafnir Slayer title, so who knows.

Headed to Sea and tried to pop Ix'DRK who never showed up either... Four hours after I had logged in we'd camped 3 NMs and gotten nothing from em (also camped Jailer of Temperance). It was getting somewhat late and we still wanted to get some Assaults in so we did 2 Assaults and logged. Tonight is a Proto-Ultima (Nashira Gages/Crackows/Seraweels anyone?) followed by an Assault run and a Salvage run. Hopefully it turns out to be a good night.

On a side note a good friend of mine left the game last night. Her name was Valkerine, and she was the 1st person in IRON to welcome me. She answered all my questions, was a liason of sorts between myself and leadership, and once I got in she made sure I knew my role with each new fight. We spent hours together farming up the Lamian Kaman -1 so that she might be able to synth a +1 which at the time was worth about 8M and only 2 were on the server. After 28 tries we finally made a Lamian Kaman +1! We agreed to split the 8-10M right down the middle once it sold. Well, it never did. I saw less and less of her as Oct rolled into Nov, and I hadn't spoke to her since Thanksgiving. Last night as I finished up with my 2nd Assault I got a tell from Valky letting me know she was leaving the game and wanted me to have the bow. She said I could do with it what I wanted to. I was shocked, and I told her I'd never sell it. It was great memories when I first joined IRON and it's even signed by her. I'll keep it always, and I'll also remember her by my signed Igqira Weskit, Igqira Tiara, and even a signed Demon Helm +1. She always looked out for me and Valky, you will be missed but not forgotten!

Sunday, January 21, 2007


I didn't log in at all this weekend.

Saturday Night Live tickets! Jeremy Piven was hilarious!.

Sunday AFC/NFC Championships! SuperBowl XLI teams will be decided tonight!

Logging in Monday to getback in the grind.

I don't know why I spaced this post like this... nor why I used so many exclamation marks!

Oh well.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

quick updates, nothing major happened so nothing big to report.

  • Did a salvage run with 10 people, got 3 tiaras for BRD/WHM/SMN, lost but we still did well. We now know which floor we have to skip.
  • After what seems like forever in Assault I finally got my Yigit Gages and immedietly noticed better nukes with these new hands. Thanks to Charlie and Moonpie for trudging through Mamool Ja Training Grounds. Now I owe them any assaults for a long time.
  • I also completed my Mannequin (ABOUT TIME)! Traded it in for a Galka mannequin and bought a mithra one. Freed up alot of space in my Moghouse. I now have about 30+ spaces available in total from my Mog House, Storage, and Mog Locker.
  • Sunday we did Dyna - Xarc. Came RDM, stunned DL. Got Mareko his Shadow Mantle. Got not one friggin AF2 to drop. NOTHING.
  • Monday was sea night but it was my birthday so I took it off. I did end up getting Fenrir for Mittens. I ended up getting Fenrir's Stone cause I already had Fenrir's Torque and my Evoker's Ring.
  • Tuesday was Limbus, they did a Omega and got Body and 2x Legs. Best drops the LS has ever seen. Basketball shorts went to Dun and Zartan, body went to Cerrra. I think he's 4/5 or maybe 5/5. After we did a Suzy and I ended up with a Suzaku's Scythe in the off chance I finish my BST.
  • Tonight is another Dyna-Xarc. Looking for horn but not holding my breath. I found out that aquariums are good gil when they sell. They cost about 13k to make and sell for about 200k. My crafter offered a 50/50 split as long as I get the materials which in my opinion is more than fair. Lets just see how long it takes to sell.

Saturday, January 13, 2007


Just clearing a lot of stuff out of my pics folder for now.
passed this the other day in sky... cmon SE, 2?? That's not even fair.

Smaegol and I can get very bored very fast at Ix'MNK

I was actually quite impressed with the detail on this event's furnsihing!

Next time you do this I want her to use that firework that puts butterfly wings on your back

Hydra tank party RDM is fun

My weekly BLM accomplishment

My weekly SMN accomplishment

My weeekly RDM accomplishment

Some people camp Faf after server maintenance, me? Stray Mary.

Why would a 75RDM/75SMN/75BLM/61WHM kill this stupid NM? I got bored looking for the Bugards in Saruta and no one in the zone wanted the club, which I dropped 2 seconds later...

Spent nearly 35 mins setting the traps to kill this Cure+5% earring NM, and not until I engaged him did I realize it was a PLD ONLY earring. Subsequently, no drop.

Well... if I ever want a Templar Mace at least I know how she spawns....

Thursday, January 11, 2007

aint karma a bitch

I gotta say, every time I think I can't be surprised...even this surprised me. Last night, Dyna-Beau again (we changed from Dyna-Xarc cause we were determined to get Dun's Attestation of Inv.) and I had Summoner's Doublet up on the comment. Drops... were everywhere.

We start off with a Duelist's Tabard, then came a Sorcerer's Coat. At that point right there I was like, "WTF... both jobs that I have at 75 and I selected SMN. Next came an Abyss Cuirass and a few minutes later... a Saotome Domaru which makes 3 SAM bodies in 2 total runs (got 2 on Sunday). At the Hydra camp we got Valor Breeches. After that we went to Yagudo camp and they gave us our 2nd Duelist's Tabard. Moving along to Quadavs we found a Melee Cyclas and even a Bard's Justacorps. We moved down to Orc (charmga) tower and got ourselves another Sorcerer's Coat (WTFityFFingF!?!). At this point I was getting quite pissed. Not because a guest got the second BLM coat (lame) but because I have 3 jobs at 75... RDM/BLM/SMN and 2 bodies dropped for 66% of my jobs, and I didn't ask for them when I enetered so I couldn't lot on them when they dropped. By the end of the run we had gotten 9 AF2 pieces.

Oh yeah, and I sacrificed myself for Dun's Attestation of Invulnerability when we fought good old Goupey. Used ES Thundaga III, Thunder IV, Burst II, equipped my Uggal Pendant and Manafonted. Used Blizzaga III, Thundaga III, Thunder IV, and Blizzard IV before I pulled hate. Goupey turned to me at 10% and did a 560 crit damage and finished me off with a 420 normal hit. I died at 3% but it dropped shield and great axe. After being raised we rushed back to charmga tower for gun attestation but ended up with Attestation of Legerity (katana). We ran out of time but spent over 3 hours in there getting awesome AF2.

Once back in Jeuno I remember Dun saying he wanted Hachiman Sune-Ate +1. As I was running to the Al'Zhabi AH I passed a bazaar and since I want those damn Mannequin Hands to finish my stupid Mannequin... I check everyone's bazaar now. They had SAM JSE body, head, and feet all +1. The body was 5M, and the head and feet were 3M. I sent a tell asking if they would accept 2.5M and they said, "ok". I later found out that some other SAM told Dun earlier he wanted 15M for those feet. Dun got em for 2.5M. At the end of the night I had sacrificed myself for Dun's test, "called" almost all AF2 that dropped earlier that night, solo'd the only statue that dropped a 100 coin, and found Dun's feet+1 for him. I have some major MAJOR karma built up. If SMN don't drop for me this Sunday then there isn't a God.

There was good news tho... I got my payouts for drops we got a month or so ago, so I finally have some cash on me again. I'm honestly not too sure what to do with it. I can't choose a new craft with my cooking @ 95, fishing at 84, and woodworking at 60. I guess I could pump some gil into cooking but I don't see that making a nice profit for quite some time. I'm not sure... maybe I'll spend some of it on WHM gear, maybe not. I've pretty much been pinching pennies the past 4 months because my wallet went from 13M+ when I got a gimpy Nivaud down to 400k when I was pretty much finally "properly" equipped. Now I just need rare/ex stuff to finish my RDM/BLM/SMN jobs, and seeing as that stuff is free...

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

yo es muy {slacks}

Already Wednesday and I have done so little this week. The main reason was because Monday night was the BCS Championship and being an UF alumni it was a holiday night... and boy did Santa deliver. We are the first school to ever hold the NCAA Mens Basketball and Football Championship trophies at the same time. I wish I was in Gainsville on Monday night... anyways, needless to say I didn't even login Monday night.

Tuesday was an Ultima run, ran fairly smooth. We had a few deaths but I mean come on, it's Ultima. It did Citadel Buster 3 times before it died, and when it did finally die we ended up getting the ingredients to Nashira Seraweels and Nashira Turban. This time it went to WHMs only (grats Smaegol) and the legs I thought were going to go to our only remaining main RDM without them (we have like 6 pairs in LS). He was to lot against a WAR main who also had 75RDM and I guess he might have been insulted by the fact he had to lot so he decided to pass. Well, I too have RDM and I played it for years as my main until I changed servers. Getting those pants was a dream... so I asked to lot them and I threw up a 402 on the board, the WAR lotted a 949. No pants for me. I think that's our last Ultima till we do 2-3 Omega's so maybe I'll wait till the next cycle. Honestly I wanted the Nashira Gages more than anything because it is the ONLY -perp gear for hands. Guess I'll have to wait a month or two.

Later that night I helped out in sky, we killed Despot and I have never done that with a NIN, only PLDs. I was pretty impressed by the NIN. He didn't hold hate as well as a PLD but he damn sure took a hell of a lot less damage. Was a fun fight. I logged due to how late it was getting. Oh yeah, I was able to flag the prime avatar fights for whenever we do them and I also finally got this stupid thing:

Now I can get to Khimaira camp safely without aggro'ing the 15 imps/soulflayers that are between the zone and the spawn point!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Weekend wrap-up extraveganza

  • ENM [win]/no Cloud Evoker
  • Limbus [win]/no BLM item
  • Broke out SMN and duo'd with Mittens (SMN) then trio's with Postal (COR) in Nyzul Isle Imps
  • 5 Merits in burn party to end the night
  • Killed Zoraal Ja's Pkuucha (no drop)
  • Camped Jaded Jody 4+ hours (no pop)
  • Dyna-Beauc [win]/no SMN Doublet
  • Bhaflau Remnants Salvage [lost]/Anu's Tiara x2 dropped

  • Only thing I really did this weekend worth noting is got in a really good TP burn party and got about 50k xp over about 4 hours. Helps when you have a relic GKT in your party. Ended up with 5 merits and put them into my Max MP. I felt like I needed to complete another category before I moved to Ice Potency, seeing how the Max MP benefits all my jobs. After Ice Potency I'll finish Elemental Magic and that should close out BLM. I doubt I'll start Freeze II, I'm sorta moving to SMN main and want to cap out the attack/acc of my BPs.

    Also cause Hydra was overlooked last week:

    Friday, January 05, 2007

    Guess everyone has THF's knives?

    A LS buddy of mine was camping Sozu, and there was no one around during the pop... how nice that everyone who wants Thief's Knife on Bismarck already has one! Did 4 Kirins last night, got 2 Shining Cloths, 3 Osodes, 2 Kirin's Poles, D Body and N Body. 0/4 on W Legs... stupid manticore.

    Thursday, January 04, 2007

    Hydra Headhunter

    emo posts aside... before Dynamis-Xarc we decided we wanted a crack at Hydra. We thought it might be a 30 minute fight, ended up being about an hour. It was a fun/annoying fight. The fun came in that I had never fought Hydra much less seen him in game. The annoying part was actually fighting the stupid thing.

    First off he's immense. I can't even begin to explain his size. Someone long ago took his model and Vrtra's model from model viewer... let's just say Hydra's tail is a tad bigger than Vrtra's entire body. Hydra is big. He had 3 heads, and he hits fast. We landed elegy a few times but not much else. I came on RDM/WHM to help out with the curing/hastes/refreshes and boy did he keep my hands full. On top of curing the PLD/NINs and hasting them I had to poisona, paralyna, and erase the curse put on by Hydra's AoE. The weird thing about Hydra is he's huge, his AoE hurts BAD, but his AoE range is very small. The only time I got hit by AoE is when he drew me in.

    The fight itself is like Ultima. Pretty much the first 70% is a breeze. Once you get into the 30s and 20s he starts spamming these AoE moves, some of which erase all your buffs. Not fun. We took him from 100% to 8% in about 27 minutes, but then he spammed some stuff too fast, mages were low on MP, and all our tanks died. Some people spoke of coming back tomorrow but the leaders said screw that, and we stayed. He regenned (while we were lightly using melee/DoT on him) from 8% to 42% before tanks were unweakened. When he re-grows his heads the regen speeds up exponentially. We started back up and went back at him. With about 10 minutes we had him to 15%. Due to real life issues the main tank's RDM had to afk so I jumped in the tank party and refreshed the PLDs, BRD, WHM, and NIN/DRK. Because of this I didn't watch Hydra's HP all that much but it seemed that Melena on WAR was doing some serious damage because he was getting more cures than anyone. Before I knew it people on Vent were saying "8%, now we push" and the WS's started coming out.

    He was down to one head and with each WS we were taking off 1%, and eventually it took a Mighty Strikes to finish him off. This was the 1st kill for many of us there, myself included. People say Hydra is worthless and all, but his synthable stuff seems to have some value. Drops were everything. Hydra Fang x2, Hydra Meat x2, Hydra Scale, and a Berserker's Torque... hell even the Sirius Axe dropped. No one will want that stupid torque (Latent so far is -50HP for +1TP) but that axe isn't half bad for a BST in a party. The DMG base is 43 and increases +2 for every person in your party capping out at 53. That's a awesome axe, only matched by the Guttler (final BST relic axe).

    Oh yeah, I forgot to give a big congrats to one of our PLDs, a good guy named Zartan for getting his Shadow Mantle last night. Grats bro. LightSpirit!

    t(-.-t) horn

    15 Xarcabard runs
    2 dropped horns
    1st drop - Outlotted by veteran SMN
    2nd drop - Was on vacation, dropped to a SMN on his 2nd run with the LS
    0/13 otherwise

    This is absolutely retarded now.

    Wednesday, January 03, 2007

    Patience young grasshopper

    Last night was an interesting night. We had a Ultima run which dropped Nashira Seraweels and Nashira Turban. I was kinda bummed because I really wanted Nashira Gages for my SMN or Nashira Crackows for my BLM. I wanted to lot legs for my RDM but found out that one of our main RDMs needed them and lotted em. We still have one more set for Ultima we will probably do next week. I'm hoping for the gages.

    We then headed up to Sky for some farming and gods. We killed Olla and then did 2 Genbu runs. The 1st dropped V. Claw, Genbu's Shield, and Martial Abjuration: Hands. The second dropped V. Claw, Genbu's Kabuto and Aquarian Abjuration: Head. I was so psyched to see "A. Abjuration Hd." that I screamed "HANDS!" but once I viewed it I realized it was head. I was the only person who wanted it so I got to lot and then hit up the AH and bought a Cursed Crown and made my Zenith Crown. Stats aren't that bad on it:
    • INT+3
    • MND+3
    • Enhances Resist Silence Effect
    • Convert HP to MP +50

    It can work for my RDM, BLM, or SMN if I am in need of MP but still want some mage-type stats. I'll probably wear it on my WHM when I get it to 73 (it's hovering at 61 now). All in all not a bad night, I started off disappointed but ended on happy note. Grats to everyone in the shell that got their drops. It's always nice to see people get stuff, and this was sorta the 1st real drop I have gotten in IRON. I've snagged 4 jailer weapons which no one wants most of the time, I've gotten 2 SMN AF+1 items from Limbus and 1 SMN AF2 from IRONdynamis. Hopefully next week's Ultima will drop either feet or hands and maye we can farm up a new Genbu.

    Additionally I am about 6k from my Yigit Gages which will be an acceptable alternative to Zenith Mitts for the time being. It's going to suck though, because if I do four runs at 1k a run I'll still not be able to get the hands until next Wednesday. Oh well, hopefully my freakin Summoner's Horn drops tonight. I've now been waiting almost 3 months for that damn piece. Thank god it's still restricted (I think they did that just so I would get it and shut the hell up about it already!).