Interesting couple of days it has been since our shutout in Dyna - Xarc on Wednesday. Thursday was a Jormy run that was strictly meant for practice. We really didn't care if we won or lost, the loot isn't much of anything really. It was mostly for training against adds and getting our tanks trained. It was good practice too, we took Jormy to something like 17% then we had a few deaths in the add party and that ended that. Still, good fun.
Friday was our slow day. We did our usual ENM
Totentanz which dropped Corse Cape and other crap. No
Cloud Evoker again for the 2nd week... and I lost lots on all items for the 5th straight week. It's gotten to be just a 3500xp boost for me at this point. Afterwards myself, Xyo, Aida, Fuuko, and Melena all headed out to
Navukgo Execution Chamber to finish off the Aht Urghan missions. Was a super easy fight but it sorta confused me. We had BLM, BLM, BRD, WHM, THF and somehow we tanked it with no tank. I mean Shantotto used like... 12 AMII spells so I know she had to have hate but she wasn't really taking any damage as far as I could tell. Was weird but in the end we killed the Chimera and got our cutscenes (and 5 Imp Gold Coins).
what a day! I was up real late Friday night so I kinda slept in on Saturday. When I awoke I found that we were camping in Dragon's Aery. I rushed right out there on BLM and got in position to claim. We went through 3 or 4 windows cause I was able to watch about 4 episodes of Scrubs in between (22 min episodes are perfect between windows!). The Darters were being cleared each window by Mini which meant it was a spamfest. When I saw the big purple guy appear as my target and I waited my .85 seconds to use stun and viola!

Mine! Stoneskin didn't last a single hit and I actually got one Blink shadow to save me... but my stun hit! Sure it didn't actually stun for any real period of time, but it proc'd! People (including myself) laugh when they see stun on Faf/Nid. Well, it works... sorta. This was back-to-back Nid claims for me (hence the name of the post) and I was feelin mighty good about myself. The kill was VERY clean and VERY fast... unlike the flail heard round Vana'diel last week. We took him down in about 25 mins and that was with 2 sleeps to recover MP. Of course at 3% we tried to manaburn it... and I got toasted, but that's the fun of being a BLM. Also the weather was absolutely perfect for fighting him. It was Lightningday with double lightning weather. Since I had my
Rairin Obi I got some nice shots in to him without having to piggyback a MB.

Drops were less than we hoped, but we had no TH of any kind in the alliance. Ended up with N.Legs for the 2nd straight week. Still, fast, efficient kill on our part. Less than 1 hour later the call went out that Tiamat was up. I had run to the grocery store after Nid, so i joined at 80%. Still, we had everything under control and our tanks were getting it done. Again this was our 2nd back-to-back Tiamat claim and keeping with the pattern, we got the Herald's Gaiters again, which now makes 5 gaiters for sale in IRON bazaars. If these things would sell we'd be rich, but the economy is in deflation and there's now way they are going to get them to sell like they did in Feb/March. Still, we got the job done and it was so much fun. I am so glad I found this LS after leaving Odin. This is exactly what I wanted to do in this game and am elated I am finally able to do it.
Thanks to all that read, I've gotten some /tell's ingame from some readers and that makes me really happy that I can offer something back in blogs (which is really just a glorified "Dear, Diary") I found this in my pics folder and it made me laugh. It's the only positive thing to happen to me at Wednesday's Dyna-Xarc run.